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    These are only the partial English lyrics, not the full English lyrics.

    A Future without You(沒有你的未來)

    There is only one thing that you should instinctively protect(該守護之物毫無疑問地 唯有一樣)

    The echoes of yelling(吶喊聲的回音)

    sounding hollowly deep within the woods(在廣大的森林深處空洞地迴響)

    The reason to be able to hold back the tears(壓抑住淚水的理由是)

    being the warmth of our entwined fingers(輕撫的手指太過溫暖)

    A future without you is a future without meaning(沒有你的未來 等於無意義的未來)

    We will never part again(因此不會再與你分離)

    I shall face the world with you(與你共同面對的世界)

    A world never seen before(未曾見過的世界)

    Through time and space, we will travel far(超越時空 我們展開遙遠旅程)

    With You

    Your forced smile that hid the tears(將眼淚隱藏 看著你那逞強的笑容)

    I can’t even hold you close like I want to(我卻連拍拍你的肩膀 都無法坦誠做到)

    Beyond the light of day Whatever the future might be(黎明的前方 不論會有怎樣的未來)

    Only what I believe remains unchanged(我對你的信任都絕不會改變)

    The pieces of soul we have lost(迷失的心的碎片)

    Surely the moment we both search for them together(兩個人一起找到的那個瞬間 一定)

    We will break through and pursue(破壞追逐)

    In that cleared sky(在那開創出一片新天地)

    Seeking my way(Seeking my way)

    And become a ray of light with you(化為一縷光芒 with you)


    Even if I can’t see you anymore(即便再也無緣相見)

    I have to look ahead and step out right now(如今卻也不能再裹足不前)

    I’m a coward who hides my real self every time I think of what is really important(真切思考之際卻發現隱藏著另一個真實的自我)

    I don’t want to be selfish(不再膽怯與任性)

    A town without you seems too wide for me(沒有你的寂寞街頭對於孤獨的我來說太過空曠)

    Where should I begin to walk to?(試問路向何方?)

    The overflowing diamonds along my cheek glitter as they fall(盈眶而出的鑽石沿著臉頰飛舞而下)

    I pray for strength that won’t be hurt no matter how sad I am(無論那一刻多麼悲傷只願能變得堅強而不受傷害)

    Down The Distant Road(遙遠旅程的前方)

    At the long road ahead, I keep thinking about you(在遙遠旅程的前方 一直想著你的事)

    It feels like only yesterday, I won’t forget how we met(感覺彷如昨日 與你的相逢 我不會遺忘)

    At the long road ahead(在遙遠旅程的前方)

    we can look at each other if you are here( 若你也在 我們就能彼此凝望)

    I’ll protect this love that doesn’t change(守護不變的愛)

    I’ll never forget about it(是的 永遠不會遺忘)

    Oh, with this loneliness Even if time were to stop flowing(Oh 即使時間 因為寂寞而停止流動)

    Oh, because every road continues to lead to you(Oh 無論哪一條道路 也都通向你)

    Here, we can throw away our sorrow immediately(悲傷即刻捨棄 在此)

    Even through it doesn’t reflect the tear-coloured you(雖然沒有映照著淚色的你)

    I wish that at least the sight of me living will reach you(但只希望你能看見 我現在活在當下的模樣)

    If we were to look back(若是回首佇足)

    our footsteps would have covered a great distance(二人步伐必定會疏遠)

    our intertwined fates will not be dissolved now(已繫連在一起命運 現在 不會再讓它離散)

    At the long road ahead, I keep thinking of you(在遙遠旅程的前方 你一直想做你的事情)

    Together with you, we can surely build a world without lies(我們二人 一定能創造 毫無虛假的世界)