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    講英文卡住時只會 Um, you know, yeah?該學新招了吧

    by: voicetube 2015-01-06 教育職場

    因此,小編今天想分享一些實用的填充字 ( filler words ),

    • 想要描述人事物時,可以說…

    1. Sort of… 
    2. Kind of…
    3. Like…

    A: Where do you want to go?
    B: It’s kind of busy…a busy place in Taipei.
    (我想去的是… 它在台北,是個熱鬧的地方。)

    • 表達另一種想法時,可以說…

    1. Actually…
    2. As a matter of fact…

    3. To be honest…
    4. To be frank with you…
    5. In fact…
    6. The fact of the matter is…

    A: So do you want to go to the airport?
    B1: Actually, no! The place I want to go is in the center of Taipei.
    ( 不,我想要去的地方在台北市中心。)
    B2: As a matter of fact, no, I don’t want to go to the airport.
    B3: To be honest, I want to go to the place with the tallest building in Taipei.
    B4: In fact, I really want to go to the place with the largest theater in Taipei.
    B5: The fact of the matter is I’m not going to the airport now.

    •  一時想不起來該如何說時,可以說…「該怎麼說呢?」

    1. How shall I put it?
    2. What’s the word I’m looking for?
    3. How can I explain this?

    A: Do you agree with John’s opinion?
    ( 你同意強尼的意見嗎?)
    B1: Well, how shall I put it? It’s really hard to say whether we should agree with him or not.

    • 表達自己的感受或建議時,可以說…

    1. What’s the best way to put this? (put 在這裡就是 say 的意思)
    例句:What’s the best way to put this? You are so unpolite!
    2. What I’m trying to say is…
    例句:What I’m trying to say is I can’t wait to see your show tonight.
    ( 我想要說的是我等不及要看你今晚的演出。)
    3. Now let me put it this way…
    例句:Let me put it this way. All you need to do now is to lay a solid foundation in English, acquire a large range of knowledge, and grasp every chance to train your abilities.
    ( 這麼說吧,我們現在所需要做的就是打下扎實的英語基礎,擴大知識面,並且抓住每一次機會來鍛煉自己的能力。)

    • 想要阻止對方繼續說話時,可以說…

    1. look here, (name)…. 
    例句:Look here, Steely , old man, I’m very sorry, but I’m afraid we won’t be able to accommodate you any longer.
    ( 看著,斯蒂利,老夥計。真抱歉,恐怕我們不能再留你在家中住了。)
    2. Right then, (name)…
    例句:Right then, Andrew, I know your idea is great, but we can’t accept it.

    • 想知道更多卡住時可以說的英文用語?快來看看影片!

    想說的像老外?這樣表達更道地!Sound more fluent in English